Frail lover's lips

Frailer than a spider-web,
fresher than a drop of dew on ginger-heads,
gayer than a greeting smile,
sadder than a somber sigh,
and older than the moon.
so are all the dear and silent things
that lover's lips can tell.

Music from the mountain

Music in the mountain
Heard from a path
Under the stars.
Music in the fountains
Listened from the
Falling water jars...
Music from the silky rain
Comes to me
a fainted whistle,
sound of guitars.

The moon glistens my fingertips,
Touching to my flute.
And my lips search the pace,
When you encircle
My face


Nguyen Vinh Duc


YOU my adamantine deity

Author Note:
 I already make love with a glass of wine thru the rim of the red surface... II wish to unpetal this poem and make it mine! And make love with a passionate lips and a breath of renewed air...

  * In the shadows of the indigo-blue night, from Galaxy CIF
  In the halo of the Aurora Borealis I pray...
  I pray and I call slowly your name ...
  One hundred and eight times, I pray and say :
  My ADAMANTINE DEITY of high purity
  And ten-directions-driven pathways of deities..."

  * In the sublime tip of my fingers
  You are...What they called a God !
  A precious tall totem
  to thee I kneel and pray every night...
  And caress, until my body is fire,
  A kiss of an
  undescribable adoration, unforgettable dedication,
  And impossible borders and frontiers of delight...

  *In the deep corners of my eyes,
  you fit every bit of depiction,
  encoded cryptogram, and encryption
  engraved and planted in my mind ...
  I will then watch the flame rise.
  With all the arts of architecture,
  With all the grace of 7 muses in green pasture,
  with a fire where I can feel the conjunction
  of fate and hazard intrication...

  * With the images of Deities and Faeries in fairyland, I watch
the flame rise...And you are here with all the pride, the hyper-level of every immaculate, imponderable and powerful compassion and uncommensurate commiseration

  *And from the FIRE that unburns but enlightens
  And seen in eight cardinal directions;
  From supremely good, sublimely generous,
  immensely lustrous, luminously unforgettable,
  adamantine, gentle and fiable,
  You stay in My Heart, you reign in my spirit,
  Multifaceted unduplicated,
  I believe in YOU

  nvd 2003-01 vfog (velvetfingerongrass)

  Author's Notes

I feel the smell
and the smoke
of rain drops
of a sapphire night
of a topaze breeze,
of a turquoise zephyr,
of an emerald sky clouds above and near...
And a bouquet of memories
tickle ,
sickle and make unforgettable
flow of the multiple facets
of a pure and peaceful
water fountain...
drifting ...upon my hands.